

Net360 is a pioneer company and specializes not only in web design/developmet, but also in the area of Web Marketing for Tourism Companies. We primarily undertake the web presentation and marketing for hotels via new technologies.

Our partners:

  • Travel Click: in 2008, Net 360 SA signed a cooperation agreement with TravelCLICK, the leader company in providing internet services and product for hotels, with more than 15.000 customers in 140 countries.
  • iPIX: : 360 Panoramic view photos: One of the greatest companies in providing innovative multimedia services with panoramic pictures and 360 videos for the best presentation of your hotel.
  • Forth-CRS: Net 360 SA is the exclusive sales representative of ForthCRS ( ) in Greece for products and services that concern online reservation platforms.

Latest Projects

Hotel Spetses Armata
